Sunday, September 16, 2012

Getting there.

Taken from Email #1, 5/24/11

Okay... this one's a  little boring, it's just details about the travel there... if you're going to skip a post, I would recommend this one. :)

Saturday morning we left my house and my parents drove me to the airport in Las Vegas. We ended up getting there an hour earlier than we planned (and we'd planned a lot of extra time) because we forgot about the time change- whoops! Karen, another dancer who we'd picked up in St. George, and I met up with our group there and we flew out of Vegas at 6. We flew to LAX- talk about a huge and CONFUSING airport. Holy tolito. We flew from there to Guangzhou - I think that's how you spell it- and I think our flight was about 13 hours, I slept through most of it - THANK GOODNESS, because Inception was the only movie they had playing the entire time. After we got to Guangzhou (One of the biggest airports in the entire world), we flew to Wuhan, which was when we finally felt like we were really in China :). We stepped off the plane to find the choreographers we'd worked with in April all there waiting for us, along with some of the musicians and dancers working on the production. I think the group that came to pick us up was larger than our group haha. There was lots of hugging and smiling and clapping as we all reunited, there's already so much love between us all :). Wuhan has like... 10 millionish people in it, so it's fairly massive and super packed. We took about an hour to drive to the hotel in the crazy packed traffic (thankfully, unlike India they do have and use lanes here, but they don't blinker much so it's still a little sketchy.) The city is full of skyscrapers, it's a little overwhelming, but I love it already.
The bus on the way to our hotel 

Just a little glimpse into the view around the outskirts of the city

Traffic in other countries is CRAZY.  I don't know how people drive in it... I have an anxiety attack every time I just ride in the back of a bus.

Yangtze River

Absolutely no trombones. ;)  (Really it's no honking horns... but "No trombones" was my first reaction.)

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